Executive Coaching for Not for Profit Organizations and Government Agencies

Our Executive Coaching Experience

  • Eastern Point has provided confidential, results oriented, one on one consultation to Senior Executives in major corporations and national not for profit organizations.
  • We have provided management consultation and training services to over 100 organizations, and we understand the complexities and dynamics of organizations today.

Our Approach to Executive Coaching

  • We provide one on one developmental feedback that identifies critical obstacles to optimal performance and professional growth.
  • We customize the consultation to include feedback from colleagues, superiors, and staff, when appropriate.
  • We provide a context for the feedback that takes into account organization expectations, culture, and the executive's style.

Executive Coaching Services

  • 360 Degree Feedback
  • Identification and removal of obstacles for success
  • Refinement and development of Interpersonal Skills
  • Targeted feedback on critical areas such as Sexual Harassment, Diversity, Gender Issues, and Team Management.
  • Feedback and development of Organizational and Management Skills
  • Enhancement of Business Development Skills
  • Refinement of Conflict Management Skills


Examples of Executive Coaching Consultations